Meet Our Team

Learn more about our team, the history of Steel Mace Flow, Education and the Pillars of SMF.

Leo Savage


Steel Mace Flow’s origin began nearly 6 years ago in the garage of Leo Urquides’ home in Albuquerque New Mexico. Switch Squats,360s, an undeniable passion for the Steel Mace, and the belief he had in himself, led Leo to create the “prototype” of SMF; Mace Movement.
After experiencing personal hardship, Leo was left with only his first Steel Mace Ryu, and a car full of clothes. Being left with next to nothing let to the creation of something that would not only change Leo’s life, but the lives of people all over the world. What started as a way out of depression and pain for one, now is an established movement practice and education system that welcomes all.
Leo currently resides in Austin Texas, where he can be found sipping on Strong Coffee, and hanging out with his French Bulldog Butter Savage. Leo spends his days flowing at Onnit Gym ATX and continues to be a trailblazing leader that guides others toward freedom through Steel Mace Flow.

Serena Elizabeth

Chief Operating Officer

My health and wellness increased 110% because of the Steel Mace and how it allowed me to be me. My dedication to the practice opened up the opportunity to coach and develop the system now known as Steel Mace Flow. I dedicated to myself to building a company and the practice of Steel Mace Flow. The movement practice that my coach created has been instrumental to my growth in physical and mental well being. Steel Mace Flow gives me purpose in such a way that I am dedicated to see its success and longevity. I developed myself the role of Chief Operating Officer and currently oversee a the day to day operations of SMF
Steel Mace Flow Chief Operating Officer and Level1 Educator
Licensed Massage Therapist
Onnit Academy Certified Foundation|Durability|Kettlebell| Steel Mace
Rock Tape FMT Basic & Advanced Kinesiology Taping Certified
NASM Corrective Excersice

Steel Mace Flow

Education Team

The Steel Mace Flow Education team offer online and in person mentorships. Contact SMF directly at or DM Educators directly via Instagram.
Serena Elizabeth: @steelmacegypsy
Jeffrey Ochs: @Jeffrey.ochs
Jamie Pinto: @jamie_pinto_
Zackary Yanyk: @Frankenlegs
Brandon Baum: @meatbomb.smf
Adam Fleury: @adam.nathan.smf
James Newton: @kensho.flow
Kristin O'Brien: @diaryofafitnessjunkie
Matthew Limoges: @mads.smf
Timmy Claeys: @Timmy_entertainer
Matt Hamilton:@ mace.pick


Steel Mace Flow

Steel Mace Flow is first and foremost a flow based movement practice. The intention of this practice is to improve a practitioner’s mobility, shore up weakness, prevent injury and create full body strength that starts from the inside out. Beyond the movement, Steel Mace Flow is a practice of creation,expression, and freedom. Steel Mace Flow takes you from feeling stuck in a workout rut, to having endless ways to move and workout. Empower yourself through movement, boost your mood and awareness by putting play back into your life, by way of Steel Mace Flow


How it works

The Level 1 Certification teaches you the fundamental steps,safeties, and mace moves needed to successfully move with the Mace. By the end of the program, you will be able to create workouts, take classes and advance if you so choose, into the Level 2 Certification, “Mace Artist.”

Steel Mace Flow Level 2 “Mace Artist, is for practitioners looking to deepen their Steel Mace practice, add meaning to the movements and flows, while having space to explore those meanings for oneself. This allows one to self-reflect, channel emotions more clearly, and in essence, Put One’s Growth Into Action. Amplify what it means to “Do something beautiful with your Strength.

Student Program-DOES NOT CERTIFY
Level 1 & 2 are now available to purchase as a “Student Program” The student program opens up the education, philosophies and practice of Steel Mace Flow at a self paced level without the requirements needed to become a coach. We highly recommend to start with the Level 1 Program before diving into the Level 2 program, as it has the fundamental knowledge and flows needed to progress safely with advanced Mace Movements.
Self Paced Certification

The only certification available for a self paced learning experience is the Level 1 Program. The Honors Test must still be completed live via Zoom or in person by one of our Educators. Given the advanced nature of the physical practice, new vernacular, and “Flow Journaling” exercises, the honor of certifying coaches in Level 2 is retained by Leo Urquides, Jeffrey Ochs, Zackary Yanyk and Jamie Pinto.

Guided Certification
A Guided Certification provides one on one training with one of only 9, Official Steel Mace Flow Educators. The guided cert provides the most value and retention of education, as your are learning from coaches who not only teach, but embody the practice and philosophies of Steel Mace Flow. Set your intentions, get the support you deserve, and give yourself the highest form of Steel Mace education.

The Pillars

of Steel Mace Flow

Preserve the Language and Tell the Stories
Language is the foundation of Steel Mace Flow. It is how we identify positional landmarks and teach complex movements for maximum safety, strength and beauty. The use of the Steel Mace Flow language system is integral to the spread of Steel Mace Flow. If language is the foundation, the stories of the creation of Steel Mace Flow and its movements, especially the Masterclass Flow are the DNA. Together they facilitate a consistency in the education that reduces confusion and creates a continuity of our art and community. As a coach you are a representative of Steel Mace Flow in all of its forms including the movement language and oral history.

Honor Your Education Lineage
Honoring our lineage of coaching honors the creator of Steel Mace Flow, Leo Urquides as well as the coaches who have passed down this art to you. This also honors you and the students you pass this down to. We honor to empower ourselves and increase our own confidence as well as reinforcing our role in the continuity of Steel Mace Flow. The lineage traces your bloodline of education.
As a coach you will have opportunities to present Steel Mace Flow in workshops or to new groups. You can honor your lineage by telling your stories and the stories of your coaches.

Direct Communication
Our practice is based on healing, love, respect and connection. In that spirit we believe that important conversations happen directly when necessary. SMF also agrees to reach out directly for conversation with any content or conduct related concerns. As coaches we all agree to receive and listen with love and to speak to each other with the utmost respect and honor for our connection. We agree to enter into difficult conversations with open hearts and minds.

Empower your students & Coaches
As a Steel Mace Flow coach you are both a Teacher and a Student. Your mission is to Empower. We empower our students by encouraging discipline and showing that freedom is a result of discipline and creativity. We empower our coaches by receiving their coaching while maintaining our own identity and passing along their lessons to our students along with our own.

Stand With Your Peers Mace Unity.
We grow together. We collaborate. We support and promote one another’s classes, events, workshops and certifications, Steel Mace Flow related or otherwise. We respect one another’s students and local programs. As our art grows our mission is to work together in all regions both geographical and digital. Furthermore, we conduct ourselves with the utmost respect to our peer Mace Coaches outside of Steel Mace Flow.