Steel Mace Flow Level 1

Pass your Test and become a Certified Coach!

Join the ranks of the certified Level 1 coaches by earning your Black and Gold "Honors" certification. This certification represents your hard work, dedication and honor for the practice of Steel Mace Flow. Once you pass the Honor test out, you will be an Official Steel Mace Flow Level 1 Flow Foundations Coach.

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How it works

500 360's NO set downs. You can rack your mace on your back, you can sit down and hold it, do not let the mace touch the ground. If you set your mace down before the battle is over, you have lost the battle. Upon completion of the 360s, you will transition into the Master Class Flow, the 8 part flow series created by Leo Urquides. Test outs are no longer accepted as a video submission, you must be tested out by an Official SMF L1 Educator via Zoom or in person. Upon receiving your passing score, you will have your certification mailed out to you, and may begin coaching Steel Mace Flow Level 1 material.

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